public defender  development

Alumni Program

Alumni registration closes on June 10th, 2024!

Alumni Program

Formerly known as Graduate 201, this program is available to any graduate of the CORE 101 Program interested in mentoring, becoming a faculty member or receiving advanced skills training. Find out more by checking out our brochure, here.

About Us

A Change is Coming

We defend our most vulnerable communities from the effects of mass incarceration -- keeping families together with dignity.

Our Mission

To transform the criminal justice system by building a movement of public defenders who provide equal justice for marginalized communities.

Our Vision 

We envision a nation where every person has access to zealous, outstanding representation necessary to ensure “equal justice for all" in the criminal justice arena.

Protecting This Promise

You don't have to be a public defender to protect the promise of zealous counsel for all. Your monthly contribution--no matter the amount--will directly impact the fate of a client accused of a crime, who didn't know they needed you.